54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

just looked that up

basically yes

i think the ends justify the means

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dafuq u mean no?

i just went fucking swimming… in march

most ppl cant do that

florida bad

Most people can’t go swimming

because they’re dead

doesn’t stop them :eyes:

florida good if you avoid everyone

i think people would be down as long as it didnt take too long

nice beaches

what sort of dead people do you know :eyes:

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theres too many people

but yes avoiding people makes florida less bad

but still bad

not even that lmao
there’s many more instances that cause less physical pain
I.e. when the military industrial complex knowingly gets us into terrible wars just for profits.
And other matters pertaining to the establisment and the deep state

The ones with viagra

hot take

torturing one person to the brink of death is worse than killing them peacefully


i agree

a quick and painless death vs torturing someone in the most cruel ways you can think of without killing them

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Couldn’t do it. 1 because i would be caught and hung before then. 2. I cant see me killing anyone unless they like a pedophile or murderer. 3. My view on the after is of hope but doubt


Marshal lives in a volcano and thus can always swin

he lives in texas, close enough

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“would you do (act of questionable morals) for (something)” questions are fun because my morals are certainly questionable :eyes: