54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

push the button things

would u eat a Klondike bar for the end of the corona virus for the rest of the world, but the klondike bar was filled with corona virus and no one would help ya

yes for reasons that are probably a lot less noble than the answer

cuz u wanna die?

or cuz u want that juicy klondike bar

Would you end coronavirus by murdering everyone who has it?

that’d be a lot of effort

depends on the day

No because my own death would not solve the hopelessness, corruption, inequality, and dying of our planet that society is suffering from right now.

Also I can afford to pay $3 for a regular klondike bar, if I want one.

Hey ur in the perfect age group to survive… could live

most knoldike bars don’t cure viruses to be fair

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tbh the coronavirus is raising important issues of why the system does not work

just depends on if people will listen

If you could effortlessly murder them, would you?

still depends on the day but the answer isn’t a definite no

i know this sounds dark, but I definitely would not want to cure anyone high up in the deep state that is causing some of the greatest problems currently plaguing our world, if any of them are infected.

tbh tho they are likely getting 10x more attention then the bottom 95% tho

like Tom Hanks

He’s sort of cool

@JakeTheWolfie has been Permanently Suspended for breaking Rule [8] of the Global/Forum Rules.

This user can appeal by DMing a Moderator through discord.


:eyes: well ok then

hello ban lady

go to sleep

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