54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


what are you talking about @Geyde

I gotta do work

geyde was never heard from again

Prince fakeclaiming on stand is breaking rules pog

Just got to accept the EK slam


It’s like 10 minutes since I needed to throw out like 5 discord messages

Imagine getting in deep shit for oog actions that weren’t even yours :^)

im still sorry for this, if you’re referring to me

I blame discord really
People do what people do

i didn’t want to get banned
And I still stand by the sentiment that the chances of that happening were very high if I didn’t do what i did

It’s possible that i was more or less fearful than i should have been since I joined this place right after the huge purge
But eh.

for the record, I still believe you that you were hacked.

confused Arete noises

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confused katze noises

i feel like this probably belongs in dms or something

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It’s something that can’t possibly go anywhere at all (good or bad) whether spoken of publicly or in DM’s

but eh.

well with how vague you’re being i imagine you’re not intending to share with the entire class

but shrug, i hear things and the curiosity is starting to kill the katze :eyes:


I love you all and uh

We’re all human

except arete. arete is a robot