54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

How to draw a horse:

Step 1: Draw a can
Step 2: Done.


But a lot of words in english actually come from Polish and many other languages.

So there is a lot of simlarities

it was a good can drawing though

The funniest words you took from Polish is actually “Spruce”.
Mostly cause it’s big misunderstanding.

It comes from “Z prus” which means “From Prussia”

Back in the days when english merchants bought the tree, polish merchant said that it’s from prussia and they thought it’s name of a tree.



thats amazing

Are you guys still going?

I just watched a whole movie for my art history class and y’all still doing whatever tf that is

Now imagine that’s just one story and most of our languages are just loads of different misunderstandings and borrowing words from older ones.

Like tea for example was first made in china, so obviously name came from old Taiwan’s language - 茶.
You read this symbol as “tee” with accent on 2nd letter.


Other funny misunderstandings are ketchup which in orginal language means “Salted water after marinated fish” ect.

WE are not anymore, I could tho.

I’m wondering how salted water after marinating fish actually became ketchup we know now… but… I don’t know the story behind that one.

Apparently you can blame americans for changing salted water with onion, beans and sardines for “ADJUSTING” this to the taste of americans.

Adding a lot of of tomatoes and removing all onions, beans and sardines from it.
And then selling it as “orginal taste from polinesia”, lol.

I love America.


Now that you mention it

I’m having ketchup for lunch as a topping…

You made me curious >_<

any1 up for skribbl

why do people have to do sleep :frowning:

why arent you asleep zoomer

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I should be asleep

however I am not

room link?

as somebody who has recently weighted their quilts and found +10 actually sleeping points as a result, it’s because sleeping is actually pleasant when you don’t have to adjust the entire bedseheets 50 times before you get it right

Let’s play scribble.

Anyone who wants to play;

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Anyone else?