54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I was interested who would get it but my internet legit gave out right as dat posted 39999

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someones gotta post

happy st patties

sounds not good :policeman:


Im coming for you emilia

i am coming for that triple crown

:crown: :crown: :crown: :gun:

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wait WHAT

it told me i was on 39999

arrest my 21 y/o ass

oh shit thats today, feels bad. Coronas had me not even see much green today


okay so I’m thinking 44,444 for the next one?


no ur a monster

You can still get arrested for things you do while being drunk if you’re 21 you know

i like 432109
sorry for editing title


im at home on a computer im a meNACE TO SOCIETY

Who put it at the current title. 42069 or riot

Weed is overrated

you realize that that’s an order of magnitude more than we’re currently at


ur a monster. We been planning this next cookie