54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute



Can someone explain what is pen notification and why do I keep getting it.

ok so i blame me not winning on scuffed thread

y’all can see in that vid that i thought my post was 40000


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and so this hilariously late post was me thinking i’ve won

which was Sulit

thats it

we’re going to 420k


420,069th poster

thank you for breaking the thread

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if arete wants a comma i demand 420k

remember when it took a few months to get to one thousand?


ill see you guys tomorrow for my cookie

why is it silent now that the cookie is gone

cookie crunching sounds

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Just leave home…
Why in hell wouldnt you go jogging

Thats not how law works

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Perhaps not. I didn’t look that up. Apologies.

Even in austria where are curfews, you still are allowed to go for a walk
Getting fresh air and training is important for your health
Staying inside is just panicky and plain dumb

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You mean the “when Yogg died he no longer cast spell.” Nerf?

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