54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

why is this the message that draws you out

It didn’t even draw me out you nerd, I was just checking a certain topic and saw your reply.


Shakes from PTSD

overload 2

why does come out ye black and tans bang


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fake laughter

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p sure i am one
im aromantic but not asexual
i guess ppl wouldn’t guess that about me since i’ve tried to be an ally to the LGBTQIA+ community for so long

i guess at some times in the past i may have wished I was bi (like my sister is) so i could fit in with the above community more

but im just not attracted to guys

I am a heterosexual male.

Your sexual identity has to be fully your own decision
You cant try to be homosexual just to please your lgbt friends


yeah i know, that was bad.

I often feel uncomfortable i guess because i’ve tended to hang out with people who match my politics a lot recently

and as I’ve said before, socially my political leanings come into conflict with my religion a lot more than economically

I’m not sure if there are other people like me in this regard. I’ve yet to find any

I’m both asexual and aromantic
but I still have a crush, from time to time, which is hilarious.

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I wish I was asexual tbh.

I kind of wish I wasn’t aromantic, but on the other hand every time before I was aromantic that I tried to reach out to someone romantically, it blew up in my face badly. So perhaps this is for the best.

Tbh noone in my social environment cares for how I identify. They just expect me to marry a man and get children, and will be disappointed if I don’t, but won’t pressure me.

I might be asexual too, idk.
Currently I define asexual as an ability to not feel sexual hormones or urges (which I don’t have)
But I do believe in the christain mindset that feeling for someone romantically first is the right way to go, even though I currently feel incapable of romantically feeling for anyone.

that’s uh
not what it means


Then im probably asexual as well