54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i can catch them but have terrible aim

mindmelding with geyde

Basically me tbh

A little townie

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like accuracy wasn’t even a problem

it’s that i so overwhelmingly lacked power that any ball i threw that someone could see was instantly dodged

A little of both for me
It’s so hard to both throw low and throw fast

dodgeball is easy

just do the worm or t pose

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I really love to play Prisonball. I was never the best thrower, but I was crazy enough to not get hit even when I’m alone at the field and the others have 4 balls. I am crazy in dodging… mostly cuz I am able to move completely unpredictable. Being neurological different is fun :joy:

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@Geyde I am mostly playing 2/3 martial casters like Inquisitors, but I still am casting a ton. I have played fullcasters like a Shadow Oracle or a Flames Shaman already as well, but being fully support is kinda boring for me. I love the danger of being a 2/3 caster, always with the question in mind: I do a ton of damage on bosses, but the enemy can kill me hella fast. Asking others to take the Attack of Opportunity for me, so I can run away, is kinda already standard :joy: it is possible to become more tanky, but that’s not really possible before lvl 7 or so. You need 3rd grade spells for that.
On the other side, my lvl 13 Inquisitor is quasi immune against magic, thx to having extreme high saves + having evasion for all kinds of saves… I always try to taunt the enemies by doing tons of damage, so they focus on me with their spells.

I think my proudest moment was when I had 5 negative levels, fought against a tanky runelord, and still hit him on a rolled 2. Inquisitors are hecking bosskillers

as someone who played a dnd session once and wasnt really into it

is this english?

Uh I have gmed around 120 hours and have played a lot more
Lets say I was really addicted.
But yes, since it was Organized Play, so we were only able to use pfs legal stuff
This was my lvl 9 standard Inquisitor. They have the ability to buff themselves really extreme. Most of their abilities and spells are only there to make you able to have a peak performance, you are spending most of your 1/day abilities for it tho.
This wasnt my high end archer Sanctified Slayer Ravener Hunter archer Inquisitor.

Which heathens do they hunt?

She’s member of the Hellknights, so… she is hunting any lawbreaker. The Laws must be kept, WHATEVER the cost.

i’m legit interested in whether priestess has ever played a non-lawful character and how it worked out

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Are they informed that she is hunting them?

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technically i’ve never played any characters but i mean
learning an entire RPG system seems like a good way to pass the time, especially since it’s something I’ve always wanted to do

I have played a NG Sarenrae-Inquisitor. It went out… uhh… well she almost ended up as NE

Oh and I have played a CN ratfolk witch for 3 sessions… which ended in that noone of our group really paid attention to the mission, so we failed horribly

yeah i’m not going to underestimate any allignment when i finally get around to actually playing DnD or any other RPG, least of all Neutral Good