54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Mother LE
Daughter CE
What have I done to deserve this
My own flesh and blood… chaotic.

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your other daughter is a disgusting XG though

your own flesh and blood… good

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Imagine… Good

She’s LG.

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yes but even if she was NG or CG she’s scum

anything-good = bad


good = bad

bad = good

neut = cool :sunglasses:

neuts out


Neuts in, kats out!

Good = disgusting selfjustified fanatics
Neutral = have no backbones and no ideals
Evil = know what they want and are actually willing to get it

so fucking wrong

neutrals have ideals

just not normally good or bad ones

you sound like a ToL player :eyes:

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I was a ToL Player.

Anyway, I’m going to go watch the next episode of “The Mole”, which is about to start, now.

come back to the dark side

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i watched the first season of the american one and guessed it by episode 3 with my epic forum mafia skills

Kat has cookies

This is shit
To extents I didn’t know were possible

Using a different browser just for this site is the best idea you can have

that makes too much sense

this site kills my email, i think i deleted 1000 emails from the past 4 monthes the other day