54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

you have good opinions


There was a time me gramps made it everyday

I find bitter stuff pretty okay now

literally just drink water with varying degrees of temperature and age and brand

it’s wonderful

Coffee I find you’ll need to put about a tbspoon of sugar to make it nice, with a little teaspoon of condensed milk

I only like the toffee lattes from McDonalds.

I put three tablespoons of sugar in a bowl of krunchie nut cornflakes too.
I love sweetness.

I drink orange juice at many different points in the day, most often not at breakfast

you know what’s really good

cranberry juice

fight me


that opinion is Acceptable

Red juicy burst of flavor…

Personally, I just drink watermelon juice nowadays

I don’t have breakfast
I wake up at 5PM which is why I’m awake at 6:22AM right now

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Uh…I think asparagus is an abomination?


Not bad
Like Onion Water but a little bit more oomph

that’s just correct though

that one’s not even particularly controversial

Have ya’ll ate asparagus raw

I’m trying!

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Why put ketchup on anything
Literally any other condiment is better for flavor

If fries don’t have enough flavor, just use salt

okay okay you’ve found some Incorrect opinions :upside_down_face:

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