54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

arete and i exchanged socials in fol26

I remember that but I can’t recall what the reddit account name was so

Everyone is a job person wdym

no we didn’t?

i happened to forget your social tho

can you remind me, arete?

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well that depends

do you want the mediocre RP blog from senior year of high school, or bad political opinions? :upside_down_face:

dark theme is the superior theme

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im intrigued but i think ill pass

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Why are so many of my discord friends furries


I’m not a furry

Literally there are at least 6

im not your discord friend

but despite my name and liking to cats, i am not a furry


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I have 40 friends p sure

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Tired tbh

Oh god are you an anti-vaxxer


geyde has some opinions on ajit pai :eyes:

One opinion
Just one

ajit pai did nothing wrong and this post has no hidden messages

I am actually not. Im just an european. Other culture.