54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

don’t worry I checked and there weren’t any


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i just lost the game

if my mom were an antivaxxer id be dead :eyes:


also you are all now breathing manually


Aka “yes I think it is unnecessary to vax non risk-people for the flu, if you have a good healthcare system”
But I am pro-vaxxing in general

you are no longer breathing

Don’t forget to blink

Cuz that is literally what our universities teach :upside_down_face:

my favorite

you are now thinking of your dad’s penis

You now notice your hands are touching your device

you’re now thinking of arete

that’s it

no weird thoughts


Didn’t really have an effect tbh

Criminal scum, stop right there. My daughter is here

strong text

I think that’s a pretty weird thought tbh

it doesn’t work if the person is already thinking it :man_shrugging: