54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

wakes up in the morning

@memesky: how the fuck do I have 20 notifications


okay fine I’ll stop

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@NuclearBurrito thoughts?

But I have a question for @Memesky

  • Keep pinging memesky
  • keep pinging memesky as well

0 voters

I never thought I’d say this, but poor Memesky.


EDIT: @nerbins

The poll has spoken.


I think it was perfectly fair tbh

I think that @Memesky should ping himself

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Is that a reference to what I think it is? :^)

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10000th poster gets a cake


10000th person actually gets a cookie*

Meme deserves it.


33 pings what is wrong with you


@Memesky did you like it?

@Solic what happens if we ping you over and over :thinking:

I suggest you don’t try it.