54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

are your reaper pals going to get me D:

Or you’ll see SpamSolic everywhere, pinging you until my taste for revenge is satiated. He’s even worse than Spamlitten.

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how worse

@Solic why u no like pings

I’m sorry

There is only one way to find out. You’ll regret it.


Do you make good classes :thinking:

We have a need for more BD classes :wink:

@Boss110 make a lot of BD classes go

You have no choice!

why you ping me all of a sudden :thinking:

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Looks outside house and sees that the air is green, because of smoke from the forest fires that are coming from BC


I said I was finishing my current games before leaving so I’ve done it.
Enjoy yourselves everyone.
I may or may not see you some point in the future.
I’m taking a good break at least

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I’m sad to see you go, but if you think it’s best for you then I wish you well.


where did my message go

will you at least post on the forums even if you are not playing FM.

I’m going to be honest.
I will probably not really post here.
Nor be a part of the FM/FoL discord.
I might stay as part of the Danganronpa discord stuff and be on the ToL discord.
I’m gonna be a part of the wider community.
But as a forum player, I’ll fade into the shadows for a while.

Y’all still have wolf.
Just thought to warn not to upset him.
Or else I’ll be back for a bad thing



Ngl, the way you two speak of each other is kind of adorable.


some day the PKR/Wolfy 2 man NK will happen
and it will be glorious


Anyone got DbD, im bored, all of the friends that i play with are playing ARK, and i feel like its a fun game to play with people.

What’s DbD?

Dead by Daylight.

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