54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I can see why it’s so hard to understand us…
I’ve read countless books about social communication to be able to mimicry normal behavior better… and if I’m only able to understand them because I’m very intelligent and spent almost 15 years of study on it… how can I expect normalos to understand us easily? :eyes:

ah but you see Priestess

when we don’t understand neurotypicals it’s our fault

when neurotypicals don’t understand us it’s our fault



we will also be showing you a play about a black man by a white dude, a

played by (famous, heterosexual, married actor/actress)

I’m used to that already by other means. I’m in a religious minority :joy:

(admittedly that play is really good i can’t get mad at Othello for long)

As if the sexual preference of the actor would matter :eyes:

yes thank you that’s crucial
but don’t forget that aids is bad
it’s really crucial that you SYMPATHISE with how bad aids is

now that i’ve explained that AIDS is bad, i have covered the literal entirity of the LGBTQIA+ community and there are absolutely no other letters i’m forgetting about

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I’m surprised nobody’s talking about the Mulan remake and how most of the crew isn’t Asian… I mean, I don’t know how much that matters, but uh… I can see how it’s a big yikes

Hey… I could act as a neurotypical human too … in fact I do it my whole life already
It really doesn’t matter if you are actually it, or pretending to be it.

Same. Barely anyone can tell I’m on the spectrum unless if I directly say it

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Everyone in my last school thought I have a physical disability :eyes: it was pretty fun

it’s amazing how despite how overt my social awkwardness is that people can’t notice until i either tell them or i get angry

it’s almost like the stereotypes focus far too much on massive overt dysfunction for people to be able to tell


wow imagine being lucky enough not to have minor problems with every body part
this post was brought to you by the bad character roll gang

Major problems with every body part

I try to identify my autism about its strengths. I want people to think “hey look, she’s working really focused and concentrated, she doesn’t participate in any kind of bullying or badmouthing behind others backs, she has a high interest in justice and loves to protect minorities… she must be autistic”


trust me when i say that autism doesn’t make you immune to being a dick


Or a dumbass :^)

I was very gullible and I hate myself for what I had done in the past because someone told me to do something


Say hi to the “abused cuz you didn’t know that you can say no” gang

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