54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

like we joke but that is surprisingly on point


shit i might actually read that one

i mean i don’t read fanfics and never have but desperate times call for desperate measures

yes but when i hear “fanfiction” i only remember sonic fanfiction :^)

I think you would mostly like HPMoR Ici

there are parts of it that you wouldn’t but everyone hates those parts so that’s okay but I think overall you would find it a net-enjoyable use of the time you would spend reading it

All fanfics Are bad nsfw

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What are those parts

That’s actually wrong.
All bad nsfw are in fanfics, actually.

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it goes both ways

so hypothetically speaking, if my mom, an Actual Real Author, publishes a fanfic of her own novel under a “”"“pseudonym,”"" does it count as canon

and does it matter that the pseudonym was her unusual first name + the first initial of her last name, and also everyone knows it was her

like uhhh At some point Harry learns transfiguration, and one of the rules is that you can only transfigure a whole object. now harry’s like 'this is bs. there is no definition of ‘an object’ in the real world beyond whats in our mind and then he goes down to the quantam level of his mind’s visualization of the world and completely separates his thought of an object from what he’s seeing to the point where the concept basically breaks down, and then he does partial transfiguration
its an example of what i meant but spoilerz


And then he gives up on breaking magic later.

holy shit this sounds fantastic
like i once considered that magic would be combined with basic chemistry to produce really awesome effects
like i think i came up with a wizard who had the ability to control people’s bone marrow
i forgot what simple power they had

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minor spoilers

the bit where Hermione randomly has a crush on Harry was COMPLETELY POINTLESS and had LITERALLY NO REASON TO BE THERE

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Something like that happens in 90% of books

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yeah but that’s BAD

also this one was dumber than usual

i think i’ve come up with about 5000 different wizards in my lifetime, and it’s a pity i forgot about a lot of them

My take

Thats the first time anyone towards his intellectual equal, enough that he would respect them, would treat him in this way, which can be important for [too spoilery to post but arete knows what i mean]

True. I mean, there was no reason for Ron and Hermione to become a couple, or Harry or Ginny. It’s just romantic filler.

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actual authors can write non-canonical works?