54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

yes let’s talk about superogatory actions that’s cool

My computer is making sounds from hell that are Very loud How do I stop it

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Have you tried turning it off and on again


Have you tried Googling ‘why is my computer making loud noises’ and following the instructions

open the task manager and murder the cursed programme i know you have active right now

I ate the last doughnut.

we’re almost at the number

lets hit it before marshal wakes up

he’ll be big sad

ay 420,000

Youre evil

lets do it, but i propose a rule. you cant post more than once in a row. you have to follow someone else (at least until we get the cookie)
if you do this and you get the cookie, you have to officially abdicate it to whomever should really have it instead of you



I accept your terms.

magnus you literally just broke the rule

I did?


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this rule sucks

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2 posts in a row

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rules were made to be broken
