54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I did it intentionally.

it makes the cookie more interesting tho

Can we reset every title to give them meaning again

So what’s everyone’s favorite Pokèmon

no i just got mine

Ho-oh, Kyogre, Dustox

idk pick a cat

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You only want that because you have no title.

I’m actually brilliant at Pokemon
If anyone has Pokemon Showdown then come vs me


Nope, it’s because the cookie could award a cookie title (my idea)

this is forged

Not happening.

no im just quick

I do but I have no familiarity with anything past Gen VI

also it’s 4:25 AM

what if that slip was on purpose :eyes:

hey @Magnus you should join the discord server

What discord server?

its in the website portion of the thing that appears when you click/tap on my name

What’s in it?