54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

for scientific reasons can i lick you ami :eyes:

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Get the fuck out of my sight

“don’t pick three characters from the same show”


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what was wrong with my picks then

even if the 2nd one was literally only to appease to the host (but is also fabulous)

All of my choices are from different shows and you don’t even know who they are, so you can’t judge me

I don’t know for sure the order is the same from your submission to what I know


y’all basic af

Different arcs for two of them, but if i had to pick different shows it prob be Piccolo from DBZ and like Kuwabara from YuYu

You think I don’t know pancake boy???

i gave them in eevee in the specific order i wanted them in

also what DID YOU EXPECT i dont watch anime! >:(

whod ya pick?

Anyways y’all will get to be disappointed with each other later I guess

Bish, who told you I picked the Pancake Detective?

i cant say

but to oab5 the order was S.(2nd).A and you should be able to figre out what the 2nd one is


i didnt actually list a character from an anime ive watched lol

Problem: Anime FM thread disappeared without a trace
Solution: Just discuss it in cookie thread, even though it probably meant “Stop talking about it the game is gonna start soon”


Alright, but seriously, I think the Anime FM is still going to happen, so don’t mention all of your choices unless if Eevee is fine with that

i dont get a thing u said.

that was the only part directed to you

the rest was for orangeandblack


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