54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

its not particularly funny. but its the most fitting mechanics wise i think. and it could still be a game, beyond the meme

i wouldnt participate personally, but i could see some people enjoying that

I agree tbh

orange is way more nerdy than any of you.
He posted his characters, I know he is a nerd.

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but is he in game?

No, he just wanted to prove he is better weeb.

lol, he should have joined :stuck_out_tongue:

He can’t, he is busy with watching anime.



I didn’t tho

I just gave a list of things I’d be interested in assigning to people who were failures and didn’t submit their own picks

For example

I don’t think Sword Art Online is good

I just think giving somebody such an awful character would be a good meme

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Orange is man of culture

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anime bad tho

so theyre all awful characters

except the ones i picked


fwiw I probably would have chosen Selvaria Bles

gotta go for the repeat victory in another eevee game

All animes are terrible 4head


No U


No me

I hope someone submitted Lucoa

Who’s Lucoa?

You don’t want to know.

Don’t exposed me like that.
