54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Good idea tbh

I was accepted there but obviously chose Umich instead because in-state tuition

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Any idea what your major might be?

Not really lol

Any general area?


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good pick :slight_smile:

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Been doing anything with engineering (FRC, FTC, other clubs, etc.) or not really thus far?

No clubs, but I’ve taken a really cool engineering class for two years now, planning to take it all four years in highschool.

if you have a FRC team at your school I do highly recommend joining, as that’s really good experience

If not hopefully that class is as cool as you make it sound lol, my school had no engineering classes

That being said, AP Calc BC and AP Physics C are both probably pretty important, so I’d recommend taking them if at all possible

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I’m pretty sure we have a team tho, I looked into it a couple months ago

The season is effectively over this year


But next year definitely give it a shot, it’s probably the most representative engineering activity that is widely available to high schoolers in the US

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I’ll think about it aaa

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If you’re unsure about what exactly you wanna do, now is the time to start figuring that out, and the best way is by trying it to see if you enjoy it or maybe wanna end up somewhere else

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imagine staying up til 2 am and still getting up at six because you like having a long breakfast

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Imagine having some of the worst picks for AFM and being super late getting them in

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I’m actually salty I couldn’t give you Miyu Miyu


Because I was about to before you pulled a DatBird

@katze swap to Miyu Miyu tbh

Although why you didn’t submit Kaya is beyond me


wah waah wa-wah wa-wa-wah wah wah wah?

I don’t know what any of those are I literally googled two of my characters and got the one I didn’t google lmao

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