54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Should I turn into a roleplay account for April Fool’s Day?

  • Yes

0 voters

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Well, stop.


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Pic on right should have been chads skull

no no you misunderstand me. just join the game, and try your best to play, and, (no offense) probably flounder a bit and make some mistakes.
the best way to learn is by trying and failing, so that you can learn what you did wrong and how you can improve, rather than merely observing and gettting notes from others mistakes


i like the idea, however i suspect it will lack the same punch as we dont really know each other well enough to anticipate and plan around each other into a kind of knot.

You never know until you try!

Arnstreim you are a God

If that’s legit then like find another game lol

Mistakes will be made

I’m Masons with Rem


:crying_cat_face: I wanted to be masons with you Anerd.

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Oh good it’s time

Execute order 66

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If you want to be Masons with me you have to to be either a wolf or a nerd

There have been no historical exceptions to this

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I guess technically I don’t know if Eric is a nerd

I am somewhat of a nerd.


d-did you just call marshal a nerd?

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Marshal is a nerd.

this fact has been mod confirmed true now tho