54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

mod announcement: Marshal is a nerd


Do we know what alignment nerd is?


i could not put the cat pictures in the picture frames because our printer is out of ink

this was an immense disapointment


I’m also very dissapointed in you.

i will do better next year

You better.

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for april fools y’all should make me a mod

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do it

u wont


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April Fools is almost over anyway.


He was in charge of a literal robotics forum FM community

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What the hell are your criteria???

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the relevant one here is ‘would the person in question be bothered by me calling them a nerd’

I think the odds are extremely low that the answer is ‘yes’ for Eric but technically I haven’t asked him

I’ve done it like forty thousand times and we’re still friends on Xbox :man_shrugging:

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this is the true test of friendship

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4 mins till end of april fools :frowning:

3 mins :frowning: