54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Why is this heresy glowing


no uwu

it’s in a spoiler

Blame Amelia

But it doesn’t hide anything.


Also nice pfp Geyde :^)

everywhere I go, I see his face

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The ultimate scum faction are the forumers, apparently

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Anstreim, the path you walk is one of destruction, not just to your enemies but to yourself as well. I don’t need to tie myself to false gods with the chains of Corax to stand stalwart on the path I know is right. And I’m offering you another path: a path that leads to a better world for all of us. No one is beyond redemption, even you.

You say that I must stop and listen to myself, yet you are only willing to listen to the lies of those who call themselves gods. I am perfectly willing to stand by your side, as we walk down the path of the Unseen to a better tomorrow.

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The path I walk is the path of destruction of my enemies, Arete. Once every single blind fool has been eradicated, the Gods will guide us to our deserved, glorious future. I am not bound by any chains or ties, my devotion to Corax is pure - I have willingly pledged myself to it, and I was rewarded for it.

You say that I must stop and listen to myself, yet you are only willing to listen to the lies of those who call themselves gods

Is it how you view me and my Cult, Arete? Sheep following deities, unable to think for ourselves? If you do, then it truly pains me and the pity that I feel for you is… heart wrenching. They aren’t shepherds and the Cult are not sheep. Instead, they are our guides.

We could reveal the glory of Corax and Mithras to the whole world, together. Is this not something that one should strive for? True perfection under the loving guidance of our masters. Forever.

Do they have dental


I’m asking real questions here

no but I’ve heard some things about their optometry plan

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The heavens part to reveal Anstreim as The Cultist Nerd!


Yes we do, our healthcare is free as well.

I have to wonder, how do you include all of those things?
Do you run a business of some kind?
Are you profit or non-profit?

I’m from the IRS
And I’m hear to investigate reports of money laundering

Oh also Amelia check out my color. Now compare it to the color of the Cult.

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Meanwhile my color is… unrelated