54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I use light mode everywhere
I’ve even downloaded fan-made mods to spotify and steam for that purpose

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Are you the chosen one

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great color

Now you must join every game N doot 1 hosts, for he is the chosen one

neutral evil

you have gone OUT OF YOUR WAY to use light mode

what the fuck

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That’s it, I’m starting the UwUization.

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Because you weren’t before? :^)

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no uwu
no owo

failure to comply will result in me breaking into your house and stealing all the toilet paper


Do it you wOwOn’t

/Imperial Ballista Marshal


Run you fool.


You never stopped to think ‘Should we’, rather thinking ‘Could we’
You know what that caused?

Every single wrong thing that has ever happened to this world can be traced back to the primordial influence of AtE + omgus
Constantly it wrenches deeper and deeper into our conscience before we are devolved to reddit alts constantly saying the same two opinions and making the same 6 jokes

Why are you still here?

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i don’t need TP

i have beach towels and t-shirts

Heehee pickle geyde

I choose this man’s dead wife as well lol

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