54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Wanna go friendly brawl to add more options?

by the way there’s an event where you can play every card in standard, i trust you are aware?

What right now?



Imma build naya town aggro yas

It has so many dumb cards I cba to craft lol

pardon me, but what deck dost thou speaketh of

Idk if it’s a real deck.

Set of Hero of precinct one, set of the 2 boros heroic cards from theros, a few domris ambush, a couple flower flourish, maybe a single troastani, set of the “target creature gets +1 and trample draw a card” card, 3 or 4 of the green 2 mans enchantment where u scry when a creature enters and draw a card when u target ur own creature with a spell, maybe a tajic or 2.

eh why the hell not
i’m going to play one of the dumbest decks i’ve come up with
all cards are luck-based
wish me luck boys

only reason i haven’t crafted it is because i’m not going to ever play Allure of the Unknown seriously

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oh my god i actually did this dumb thing why

#UnbanLutri lol

this is a joke

@Icibalus Personally, I don’t use the functioning terms, but I don’t want to introduce myself as “autistic” because that will likely raise the stigma that everyone on the spectrum is the same and should be treated differently because of it. Like I said, there are varying degrees on the condition and there aren’t a whole lot of names describing them besides Asperger’s which even then is becoming less of a name itself

i mean aspergers is no longer on the DSM

look my preferred model is that the spectrum is more of a series of settings that can be at different levels that all have common characteristics, and those settings are either adapted for our society or they are not.

Right, but we might need to describe these to people not on the spectrum if it’s necessary like with doctors or therapists. Describing each characteristic can be difficult depending on the person and their symptoms. For me, I often have a hard time describing things to people and I end up confusing them and term “On the spectrum” is the most comfortable way I can say it without feeling embarrassed

i’m literally only able to talk about my Autism Things™ online, so i get it

I’ve only been able to mention my condition to other people in real life, including in a couple of presentations when I felt like it was most fitting for the topic. I would like to talk about my experiences more, especially during the earlier years, but stigma is a big factor in me not saying anything about them. I might not even have a whole lot of interesting stories in my belt because of how my parents were willing to travel and move to the other half of the country to help get treatment at an early age, but… hopefully they’re worth sharing and I won’t get judged for them