54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@Marshal fuck this pfp

No thank u I’m not into furries

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@Hippolytus abzan mutate legendary

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and as you can see
this thing is a BEAST of a reanimator
we’re talking Protean Hulk levels of Reanimation here


also lilliana called, she wants her ultimate back

Holy fuck that’s strong

Oh shit I may have to go abzan that’s so dumb and janky but its glorious

I thought it would be return 1 creature lmao

nah lol just return 10 attack’s worth of creatures
don’t think too hard about 0 power creatures

I wonder what the best low power yet super strong creatures are to reinimate with it in standard abzan colours

Izonis p good

2 power and if ur selfmilling anyway u got a lot of creatures in yard

i’m wondering about reviving 4 stonecoil serpents, a tesya and some Cruel Celebrants

I like that

because like
the serpents will die immediately due to being 0/0s
but that’s an awful lot of triggers on the stack

i need to check the timing on the Legend Rule, hold on

Troastani is only 1 power lol

Serpent isn’t legendary

no but Tesya is

O yeh