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Tesya only 2 power too

and I’m wondering if the Serpents die before the Legend Rule triggers and you have to drop some Tesyas
because that way you can, even for the briefest moment, extract more Celebrant triggers than you should be able to

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U cld revive a troastani, izoni, tesya and still have 5 power left lmao

i’m thinking Tesya + 4 Cruel Celebrants + 4 Stonecoil Serpents for the potential OTK

even if the legend rule thing isn’t a thing that’s still 8 triggers per Serpent
32 damage every time you mutate your commander is not bad

That’s cool

obviously this isn’t a brawl thing, and really this kind of combo works better in a format with Walking Ballista
but still

wait a minute
put in a Polukranos
you’re already self-milling yourself to get the combo pieces into your graveyard and it has the synergy

Kethis also wld work p well here. Right colours and relies on graveyard and legend aries which u prolly want to be reviving

grant me the wisdom of how tof uck over green decks with a red

Honestly this is more a card want in a kethis brawl deck than it’s own thing tbh


oh no we must prevent Ami from going down the dark path of RDW

i wonder how Nethrol interacts with Beanstalk Giant?

the dark path of what

like does it take it out as a 0/0 that becomes a 10/10 or something when it hits the battlefield?

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Craft 4x skewer the critics its uncommon and cheap

Nah I think it’s already equal to it

Spark double has 0 power tho lmao

4 color dumb reaninator combo let’s go