54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

hey, Elspeth Conquers Death and Thassa will still be relevant! and people will still try and make Thassa’s Oracle work!

Also lol @orzhov getting amazing removal and no fuxking threats again

for fuck’s sake you have a Planeswalker who has had cards which have literally all been weird removal cards
just make a fucking threatening Kaya already

Don’t get me wrong, I like Kaya, Orzhov Usurper, but it’s hardly a big threat.

Yeah I’m hoping the last Walker here is orzhov cuz theres always 3 and it makes sense tbh

like “oh no you’re going to exile some of my cards and kill my one drops oh noooo i hope i don’t get pinged for like 4 damage on turn fucking 7 oh nooooo”

We have a green one and a red one so its gotta be somewhere in esper and it makes sense its dual color cuz we have had 2 mono color ones already.

Theros got ashiok so it’s not gonna be dimir. I doubt it will be azorious with teferi set next.

So we shld be getting an orzhov walker this set fingers crossed

just give us a Kaya who can actually threaten the opponent on a serious level!

the problem is that it’s unlikely since there’s not really a big Ghost/Vampire theme in this set, which also eliminates Sorin.

it would be interesting if it was a straight up Esper Walker, now that I think about it though. I don’t think we have an Esper walker at the moment???

and tbh nicky b is a bit lonely being the only 3-colour walker in standard, and also being trapped in ugin’s… “mediation plane”

Apparently it might be narset cuz shes mentioned on a new izzet card in flavor text


Izzet have like 5 playable walkers in standard already lmao

oh cool Narset! we haven’t seen her outside of EVERY GOD DAMN CONTROL DECK CONTAINING BLUE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA in a while!

oh cool so it’s going to be Narset as a Jeskai or Izzet walker. that’s acceptable.


also, “lol fuck you Underworld Breach”

but more pertinently this guy is a big counter for Companion decks

Lol I’m playing this in my teferi brawl and u can never play ur commander lmaoo

That’s gotta be banned in brawl right