54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

This is a sick card, cant wait to play it in sultai and ignore white all together

Krasis is 2cmc right? I wonder how casting it works

Its p good in monowhite life gain actually, it’s a great top deck

i think this card isn’t very good as a Companion but is a strong card on its’ own

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It’s the best companion card but I feel like its much better in mainhoard and ignore companion shit

Oof mindmeld

I mean it itself is 3cmc so if its ur companion u cant run anymore of it in mainboard lmao

I’m a big big fan of that card tho

I know how to easily give a company access to your entire network and all data you send over.

Really tho uBlock Origin is a brilliant adblocker and goes undetected on most sites

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marshal had a ping from discord when he was screensharing for his class lmao
guess what it said

also recommend tor just in general if your going to more, unsavory sites.

Just have two monitors, ez.



You forgot “Just one more game.”

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just one more turn

Just one more drink.

just one more arson charge

im sorry





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