54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

what else is on the rolelist

1 cop
1 doc
2 maf
however many villa (3 in this game, 2 in others)

plus the fruit vendor we affectionately call the muffin man

Make it a neutral fruit vendor :wink:


so the fruit vendor would basically be a proven town slot

id ask @arete cause theyre a nerd


@Arete i need help if you’re here

so the role list is:

1 cop
1 doctor
1 fruit vendor
3 VT
2 Mafia?

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also can the doc protect the same person two nights in a row?

Does this have night kills

because like that setup is not broken by just the fruit vendor but it certainly isn’t helping

this is a 2v6 set-up, which while inconveniently even-numbered means that Mafia need to get 2 mislynches to win (assuming no saves)

I’m going to assume temporarily that the doc can’t target the same person 2 nights in a row

hypothetically speaking, if the cop claims D1 (allowing the doctor to 100 percent target them) and the town no-lynches D1, and the cop checks a VT, then you have 4 clears out of 8 players (since the doc and fruit vendor can claim and be confirmed if no CC)

the Mafia then needs to get 2 mislynches in the remaining pool of 4 players (the two unchecked VTs and the 2 Goons)

this also means that if they kill someone who isn’t a PR and the cop checks a VT it’s mech locked for town

Litten check my math here

no ruling yet lol

in my defense it’s not my game

basically this

the set-up is already townsided, adding a fruit vendor makes it more townsided because it means Mafia lose out on a potential mislynch

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see i was just gonna say it sounded townsided but this nerd did their numbers and thats why i summoned them

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@clonedcheese without the FV it’s a FTC setup which are notoriously known for being a bad setup.


alright next question

any newbie, 7-9p setups that would involve a fruit vendor

someone said JOAT9 and my group didn’t understand it

for clarification

‘follow the cop’ not ‘First Tech Challenge’


yeah I actually had to search that one up

the version of JoaT9 I’ve seen didn’t have a fruit vendor

9p innocent child is slightly scumsided and a fruit vendor is in essence a weaker version of that so you definitely need more PR’s but like you can’t have a cop because 9p cop is already town sided