54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i tried
last game i was like “you guys can throw a muffin around and the “muffin man” is an addon to any role that transferrs ownership with the muffin”

they didn’t like that


I actually have the perfect game for them

isn’t that basically Mountainous Poison


Get them to play this setup

:frowning: sad face

wait this actually exists


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Why would it not exist

who sits down and thinks

“fuck it, muffin faction”


wait but then I have to introduce them to ToL

god damn it why is this so hard

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pug, clearly

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There’s a class called “The Muffin Man” there which I find lol

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I see no problem with this


maybe the problem is
that ToL is like a gajillion players

and the maximum players I can ever muster up to play, even digitally, is like 10


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Tol is easy
Way easier than FM


Make sure that’s a compulsive fruit vendor

And fwiw I think Motion Detector may be better if you really wanna impress the importance of reads


@clonedcheese have you considered trying video Mafia?

If you guys are over 18 I know Liar’s Club is always looking for more people

yeah uh
slight problem
I’m the oldest in the group
and I turned 17 less than a month ago


we tried doing video, but couldn’t get enough
we still be living under very asian parents lol

I’ma be honest

I have no idea what this means in context