54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

asian parents have a reputation of being very strict

@Magnus for a misc, about how many PM’s per player would you say you create


Space Chimps

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I love the answer on “would you like to have more time to deduce in tol”
“no thx we are intelligent enough, we don’t need more time”
(I don’t think tol players actually know that FM kind of deducing exists)

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lmao who thinks of these cards

these are the kind of cards which get laughed at in r/custommafic lolz

also isnt that just an awful card lol

finally i can cast Niv-Mizzet Parun for free on turn 6

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wait shit I mean Reborn, not Parun

if that card didnt have the restricion on generic mana it’s be meh but with it its just shite

yeah that card is literally only good for Niv-Mizzet Reborn decks, and those decks lose one of their strongest cards (Dream Trawler) to the Companion restriction

like you can’t make a card that pretty much exclusively aids a multicolour tribal Niv-Mizzet deck but have it forbid use of the best multiple colour creature in the format

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anyway finally a bad Ikoria card

idk man most mutate creatures are shit lmao

yeah but they have good synergy with each other
i feel like you’re slightly underestimating mutate

most are like 4 mana, barely advance boardstate cuz on top of another creature, and have very mediochre effects

if they had more poweful etbs than yeah but like it just loooks like ur gonna get 2 for 1d

idk i feel like hexproof kind of counteracts that?
definitely agree that Maro is overestimating them in design though