54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

esp cuz theres some really good removal in this set.

did u see theres now a cast down equivelant for ikoria

yeah but theres no viable hexproof things ive seen.

i do think the counter stuff has all been pretty strong i just super doubt mutate will be that constructed playable

oh yeah “kill counter-less creatures”
that feels like it’s giving Hydroid Krasis a buff

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everything in this set feels like its buffing krasis lmao

it’s amazing because there haven’t been very many good Simic cards but all the counter shenanagins is definitely going to buff the best +1/+1 counter creature in the format

i guess Krasis can be killed by the Cast Down-yer-like until it’s cast with X=4?

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i feel like they’re happy doing this because M21 is gonna be control city with teferi and pushed UW so they want to give creatures some time to shine

Don’t call it M21, call it the Teferipocalypse, it could be no other thing.

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honestly im mostly excited to build some dumb izzet cycling decks and see what happens

anyway i’m kind of glad that Murderous Rider is probably going to be played less?
like that card is surprisingly annoying

i havent seen enough good mutate payoffs, like wildgrowth walker for explore or inkeeper for adventure or any of the good constellation cards.

also rider is rare but new cast down is uncommon and i only have 2 riders

I feel like Jadelike Ranger was the particularly important reason that Explore wasn’t bad tbh

this reminds me that I should really get around to crafting a playset of Fabled Passage

fabled passage is best land cuz i dont have to have playsets of all the scrys which is so expensive, i crafted passage instantly lol

being able to play 3 color decks cheaply (altho mediochre) is gre8

i feel like Ikoria’s meta is up in the air lol

sultai gonna be strong as fuck no idea about anything else

theres so many hybrid mana costs that the meta can go any way, like that OP 2 drop could go on Simic or orzhov cuz of the hybrid costs. Anythings possible

this is exactly the case and it’s why game design by democracy doesn’t work

In general, listening to feedback is important, but you should proportion how much you care about said feedback on how much the people giving feedback know about the subject.

Similarly, having a vision is important, but getting so tunneled on your vision that you start making obviously bad calls isn’t good either.

It’s a balancing act.

Also, where exactly was this? Sounds Spy poll-y lmao


