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are they continuing the Ultamatum cycle for the wedges???

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This is only 1 so far

yeah, and it seems pretty good for Abzan Brawl decks, I think.

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like its’ expensive but in Brawl it revives every creature in your graveyard if you’re say, playing Kethis

Hmmmmmmm maybe just a bit :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

Cant wait to see the other ones

i wonder what the Mardu Ult. is going to be?
it’s definitely going to be cakked something like Corageous Ultimatum though

they’re finishing a cycle they started over 10 years ago
what a time to be alive

To do with sacrificing my guess

i think it’s probably going to be like “deal 8 damage to all creatures, planesewalkers, and opponents, then gain 8 life” or something like that

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basically Star of Extinction but huge amounts of lifegain instead of nuking a land


More from the enchantment cycle

lol what the fuck is that card

Seems.better than the abzan one at a glance

i like it but it’s weird

I have no idea how it cld be used

I guess it’s good with stuff that doesn’t use ur hand like.escape to the wild?

Or maybe u wanna sac it eot

probably combos well with Underworld Breach and escape cards

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