54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

also, definitely goes well with Wilderness Reclamation

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Oh yeah its insane with underworld breach lol

Yeah was thinking that

Can you guys have this conversation in DMs or make a new topic or something

It’s literally just you two

seems like a build around card, might get a new deck out of this

Sorry from now on we’ll keep it to an off topic thread

you dick :stuck_out_tongue:

he’s right you know
i guess let’s move to DMs???

tbh I feel like crreating a topic could draw in others who may be interested but don’t read here :man_shrugging:

I cba to keep clicking on my dms they’re such a pain here


are you happy now orange?

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Tol is for Tol players… so it actually is important that you exactly know for who you balance.
They aren’t interested in FM kind of deduction? Good, then let’s focus on making the mechanics better


I think you’re putting words in my mouth here lmao

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I just wanted to say that listening to feedback is everything, cuz you have nothing but feedback, your own experience and your own logic

Uhhh nevermind me, I read your post again
My concussion is still getting me :eyes:

At the end of the day having a team with a vision almost always makes a more fun game then doing whatever the majority thinks all the time

The ideal is somewhere in the middle

As with most things, it’s a balancing act :slight_smile:

Stop make me agreeing with you :rage: :joy:


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