54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Your question was pointless, as he can’t really like joke as there is no such thing as it.

@discobot fortune

is joke liking a thing?

:crystal_ball: Cannot predict now

@discobot fortune

is joke liking not a thing??

:crystal_ball: Outlook not so good

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Disco said it so joke likes are a thing now

He didn’t say it though, he typed it. Your argument was based off him speaking it as since I disproven that he didn’t speak it your entire argument is now proven 100% false as I disproven it

So, where’s the poll for me to vote on FK?
Is it just above?

It’s in the poll thread

Wait!! I voted without thinking about it! Abort mission!!

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Y…You sneaky little litten!
I said you could make a poll and you did that?
Clever move…

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I mean if you don’t vote in a poll then what’s the point of even having polls

  • FK becomes one with the light theme
  • FK stays dark turns light theme
  • FK stays dark theme

0 voters

0/10 you need to show voters

Also I want another option or riot :wink:

I’m tempted to revive War of the Themes for this.

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Light theme is best theme change my mind

Luxy, save me! FK made a biased poll and I said I’d follow it.
What do I do?

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gets a new mind

Wait, I see a different poll above! If I vote on that one, it won’t be a tie and I won’t need to listen to the other one