54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

They’re still not majority of players (unless there was activity spike at that time) Plus I guess they would be more disinterested to vote when they just strated the game And not care enough about it

also there are the “leave d1 if not town” players which make up a large amount of ToS


That is true but it’s Existence doesnt have strong effect on people in it(it almost never spawns)

Well, for the newbie problem a “be careful, there could be a spy reading your scumchat and whispers” would have been probably enough

those people take offense at any buff to non-town and probably flooded it with “no”'s

Also, never “remove” a class or ability :wink:
For whatever reasons you will always get backfire for that, I see it in tol also
Just use a different word… :eyes:

I think the best way to look at this objectively is the amount of requests to change Spy

Originally, you’d have players of all skill and experience levels submitting requests to change Spy

After the initial aversion wave the number of people who have been asking for Spy (or any other role) to gain the ability to read Mafia chat has been nearly zero

And you can’t say that only people who are experienced use the forums unless you’ve never seen the ToS forums

They’re ToS’s Discord server, everyone has an account and there’s tons of people of all types there

Pretty sure there was something like that but it wasn’t enough

enough to stop them from asking for help? sure

But that’s not exactly a great bar

I think most people were leaning towards the existing things since they didnt see it affect them negatively they didnt see reason to change it

Which is the point

In hindsight it’s obvious that few would ask for it back

And so the point is that the majority does not understand what is best for them

This is not exclusive to game design either

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I think your point was that it necessaraly affects them negatively which I dont really agree with

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It sounds here like you agree it did though


Being entirely unable to act as a team in a game that is already townsided is a negative impact

That’s a fact, not an opinion, I think?

Confused what you’re looking for

I meant that they didnt see it being negative I didnt mean that it is negative To them Since that wouldnt be really accurate

That doesnt make it negative

What is your definition of negative

(I am kinda busy So dont mind those answers being So Surface lvl)