54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

orange you’re talking a lot here do you mind taking this to a DM with yourself?

I’d say something that makes them harder to achieve main reasons they’re playing for

This is probably true. It’s easy to say afterwards “how could you have not seen that its bad” … while it probably didn’t really affect these people, since they voted no

Which is presumably to have fun

And Spy made Mafia roles, already considered un-fun by many, significantly less fun, especially for newer players, who you really don’t want to be stomping on with your game design choices

That’s not possible

Spy affected literally every game of ToS

Even ones without a Spy

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literally scumchat was just unusable

And that meant a very large number of people would just leave D1 if they rolled Mafia

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oh god I remember Spy in ToS

‘There might be a Spy watching your chat’
I remember saying someone’s name in mafia chat like ‘Hey Rebecca can you jan 5’
And then Spy outed and tried to get Rebecca hung which was like medium or smthn lmfao

I meant the way theyre having fun one can be competetive (like ranked players)

other might play for social interactions in game or just for chaos? fun (like all any)

I think either not enough ppl care about it or consider unfun

yea if the community isnt newbie friendly or really care about them thats gonna be one of flaws in that way of change(unless I am missing something)

imagine if we were playing a FM game but some random town was invited to scumchat but didn’t know who was who

that would be some true top tier paly

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A lot of things are “obvious” to some, but really not obvious to others, just because they have a different background and have different experiences
Like the whole discussion about removing Pretender.
Now, after Pretender is gone for a while, it’s pretty obvious that the class was bad designed
But I remember that I was one of the people who said “I don’t really have many problems with it” before and short after the removal

And in this case why would you not change something that destroys one group’s fun but “doesn’t really affect” the other’s (although even in AA it definitely does change a lot)

Which is like exactly my point

I’ll tell you more: people are still lamenting the removal of Pretender and saying that it was ‘fun’ and had a ‘low winrate’, when in reality it wasn’t fun to both play as and against, all while winning almost every game.

I mean I really liked playing Pretender :eyes:
but overall it’s bad for balance

That being said I think Pretender could have been changed to be workable if we really wanted to

I don’t dispute the call to just get rid of it though

Save the dev time

you would


So why run a no-context poll