54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I mostly loved playing Pretender in the times where Pretenders weren’t insta crowned, and you really had to fight for your win
Trying to convince people to work with you was really really fun

I mean if they are that’s a big issue lol

Was there really any need to ‘convince’ people when:

  1. You were death immune, so there was basically no threat of dying at night
  2. You had a day ability that would instantly confirm yourself without any drawbacks

Blame the neuts lovers (like I am) :eyes:

Yes. Pretenders in the early time had almost no chance to win. It was really hard.

yep that’s a problem lmao

This is also definitely true



Remember when pretender didn’t have flirt tacked onto the RB check

why was pret even considered a good idea lmaoo

I agree that this poll was badly made

idk but at least a neutral that was challenging was a great change of pace

I was one of the first players who invented the “lets work together with the Pretender as Starting Good King”… we had to whisper, since an outted Pretender would have been an insta execute for most players to that time

Spy ends that real quick :slight_smile:

It was an awful role

Still is

But at least it’s less awful

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We have Noble and Apostle
who cares?

You have conversion and no dead interaction

Also that’s an active ability not a passive

So it’s way better

Fair enough
I do believe that conversion solves most of the problems that FM has :stuck_out_tongue: