54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

No. Bad

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I dislike you


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Cursed Suggestion:

Rename Scorned to Scowrned and Utter Contempt to Udder content.

Im just waiting for arete to see what you posted

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Sadly katze had to be emergency-sacrificed
Please don’t miss her

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We need more neuts like scorned

I had a genius idea

Add Crone :eyes:


Dude I literally got banned three times

alright that’s 2 gang members

I’ll spice up the competition with more (horribly unbalanced and unnecessary, as always) Noots.

Dude you have no idea how often I got banned

add politician 2020

I don’t that’s true

i have an idea for a new neutral actually

I’ve never been banned :eyes:

is it a previously-extant neutral but uwu-ized

if u give point for having abilities to help wincon thats pretty low bar

Presumably none considering you’re a guide

arete, can you not?