54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I stopped counting after number 10 :woman_shrugging:

Why are you still a guide then what

:b:ruh isn’t that like permaban territory

Priestess you’re mixing up ‘reported’ and ‘banned’

My strategy is to wait to post neuts so people don’t think I’m rushing them.

The problem is that I’ve already had to scrap 2 ideas because people took very similar wincons to the ones I had in mind.


was that going to actually be the joke

sorry kat


I almost got permabanned the first time and did the next

[cawwaww=wed]the shcawwned[/cawwaww] :fiwe:

[cawwaww=wed]neutwaw shawciaw[/cawwaww]
uttew cawntempwt (pwashshive) - immune taw awccupwatiawn, tawwet chanwinw and vishit pwweventiawn. Additiawnawwnye, nyeawu awe immune taw death at niwht awnce. Tawwetinw da pwwanyeew with da niwht abiwitnye wiww mawk them faww de fawwwawwinw danye. Aftew achievinw nyeawuw win cawnditiawn, nyeawuw abiwitiesh wiww be dishabwed and nyeawu wiww shuicide thish niwht. Thish pwashshive ish wetained upwawn cwashsh chanwe.
bait and shwitch (danye) - tawwet pwwanyeew ish awccupwied faww thish danye. - 1 ushe
incwiminate (niwht) - fwame tawwet pwwanyeew. - infinite ushesh
dishwuishe (niwht) - tawwet pwwanyeew wiww apwpweaw ash de chawshen cwashsh if thenye awe wnyenched tawmawwwaww. - 2 ushesh
shuwvive taw shee 2 mawked pwwanyeewsh wnyenched.

awshaw fuck nyeawu awete faww knawwinw i wash wawnna daw thish


I’d create more neuts if I was more creative with wincons

you know me not good enough

okay new neutral criterion

isn’t uwu-ized

failing is minus 4 neutral points

that means that my prior post should still be a 4/4?


Let’s face it
Not all my neuts need “ensure your target wins”

see H_Hja win

best neuts

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I have a hard time believing you were banned >10 times and still have that guide book

except elementalist has that as an option because I didn’t want neutral route to be survivor

somehow I was never banned in tol

I have a good idea for a neut.

I also have a bad idea: Making a neut that interacts with private conversations for no reason other than I want one that does that.

you are immune to everything and have infninite day convert with no cd