54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Don’t :eyes: me.

I could probably create a good neut if I had more ideas for wincons

Just pick a mechanic and make a neut based on that, ez.

hot take

“good neut” is an oxymoron

But the last neut I did had the wincon of “ensure your target wins”

I wrote exactly two classes
And I forget one of it

I made Discobot.

i awwee

I also had a terribad idea for a wincon
Ensure this player loses


At least you knew it was bad?

It’s awful I know

it’s a pars pro toto

i have an idea for a neut

wincon: make sure orangeandblack5 loses, or get lynched


I don’t get what you’re saying

And I know what pars pro toto means

Add the orangeandblack5 from BotF IV

Pars pro toto is using a part to refer to the whole.

How is that doung that?

Wait what

abilities include

self frame that also redirects every invest to you bypassing everything

and the ability to unperson orangeandblack5