54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Don’t shoot me Marshal-san, I’m BD.

None of you have any idea where in Belgium I live :wink:

in belgium

Belgium is small

on it

something with burger i think

It’s still big enough that you wouldn’t find me.

I can neither confirm nor deny that.

Since u mentioned I wanted to retake it Cuz Why not


emelia and logic

the perfect due


intp gang lets fuckin go

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are we talking about personality tests

What is Chloe

Hi soo :fire:

I’m trying to get to 44444 before midnight.

a nerd

@Chloe whats your 16personalities personality im p sure i bullied you into taking it at least once

its mine

Which is objectively in 20 minutes.

i think i know where jgoes goes to school but i could be wrong