54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


a stone

And none of you can stop me from getting there.

I will not stop until I reach it.

I will not falter.

if u get cookie i doxx



idk its somewhere

stop distracting me ree


Just kidding I’m out.


if only I cared about anything else than philosophy

How about we make more cookies and give them to other posters? That way more people are happy.

is it in a city that starts with Ro? @Jane

no u earn them or nothing

I demand you to provide me with an answer, so enjoy being distracted nerd.

1 Like

i earned 42069 but the void ate it


(just to be clear i won’t acutally doxx u if u get the cooke)

but also yes i do know where jgoes lives <3


Gee I wonder, what could then answer possibly mean?

How did you find out?