54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

then again it’s stupid to use public transit in any capacity until the virus disappates

the heck is public transport

can i eat that

(joke aside, it’s pretty uncommon here; and i don’t think i’d feel safe on it with or without the virus so :eyes:)

I thought she meant heating gas

Whats wrong with public transport? People in the cities here often have no car, especially the younger ones

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For moral reasons, I don’t think I will ever get a driver’s licence.

Uh what?

I guess that was kind of irrelevant? But I was just remarking
I feel that the automotive industry in my country is not a good force and is one of the strongest powers fueling gentrification
Not to mention the environmental ramifications

I’m also not planning on ever getting a car.

First of: learn driving while you are young (not necessarily very young, but believe me, in my age you aren’t learning very fast anymore)
If you can’t drive, you are just making yourself dependent from people who can drive… I’ve never heared from people who said “every transportation system and even the capability of being able to transport stuff is bad”

Also… why the heck is “being able to drive” immoral? Isn’t “I’m letting society carry me cuz of no reason” way more immoral?

It’s not immoral at all
I just don’t find it worth the time with how much I despise the automotive industry

Maybe i would reconsider if I ever had the money to afford a Tesla? But def not now

What has “I’m capable of driving” to do with “I’m often driving without any need”

And I got close to the finish line
but just didn’t make it
when I had summer 7AM driving classes right before 10AM linear algebra / statics

It’s just not worth my time to do the in-class permit and then the in-field lisence training all over again from the beginning

I have no own car since 4 years, but I’m capable of driving and that’s really important :eyes:

i also don’t ever invision myself ever living outside of a big urban city

But isn’t living in a big city bad for the environment? :wink:

i don’t see why that’s necessarily true lol
if i take public transit that was already going to run anyways, and cut down on my personal use of energy wherever possible, I don’t think I’m contributing that much to pollution at all

What exactly are you talking about? I only had private lessons outside of school time, I’ve never heared about lessons during school time

i think knowing how to drive is a skill that every adult should have

but not wanting to do it is perfectly reasonable

i dislike driving myself and avoid it if i can, but im very glad i learned how to do it

It was outside of school
It was at 7 A.M.
Before my 10 A.M. university classes to the east

this was uh, summer 2018