54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

ive already made a hydra account on MU just in case i ever decide to do that

im sure you can figure out what its called just based off of that fact

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Nah we’d take a theme name for sure

it was supposed to say ‘every year’

You can’t make a hydra account on your own? Your partner would need to agree on the name lol

my first hydra game was pretty good if somewhat anticlimactic due to the D2 town win

my second hydra game was less good

obviously the solution is to hydra with @Haruka and let him carry you

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well the person i was planning on using it with 100% agrees with the name, lol

if i ever hydraed with someone else though, that might be fishy

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I still wonder who that could possibly have been

What a mysterious shadow figure

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he’s outed his actual identity publicly at this point

Imagine preemptively making a MU account in case you ever hydra but also literally refusing to ever play anywhere but here




im seriously considering actually playing games on MU as well

i gave it some thought recently


to be fair my experience with other sites has been:

  • site banned Mafia in my third game on the site
  • the clusterfuck that was Wooloo dead chat
  • site that thinks it’s toxic to post??? for some reason???
  • Mafia Colosseum

yes the parallelism is broken, no I don’t care

Have someone who knows what’s what double-check the playerlist

what happened :eyes:

Which was this again

Also 451

i’d still rather play here for obvious reasons but there’s also pros to playing offsite and i can’t just ignore them :eyes:

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i want to go to sleep
but i know that i’ll lose the cookie if i do

That was 451

to be fair that was 1 person

I’m lost who are you referring to