54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

still was used in a very negative light.
also im pretty sure the guy who said it was american

oi oi shrimp on the barbie ah?

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i get that’s commonly used in australia but im fairly sure this guy is amercian and it takes a much more negative light here

I can’t speak to specifics

I’m just saying it’s important to consider things from other cultures in their own context

nah i get it

but in this case it was just meant to fling a mean word at arete and I

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oi you cheeki nerd

Plus I’m a big fan of giving people the benefit of the doubt overall

Plus I’m really eh on insults being considered toxic

Plus that’s baby shit compared to where I got my start

oi ya cheeky buggah git over ere

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somewhat? relevant song for @Ami (and probably nobody else lol)


this is where i stand too but i also know that others don’t feel this way so :eyes:

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the day insults are considered toxic is the day i get wiped from everywhere lok

i’d consider it toxic.

“marshal and arete should never play mafia again their play was shit”
“marsh is a [redacted]”

not really the pinnacle of class and while it didn’t really effect me(besides making me not want to join games with them because grudges are eh) it was still a dick move

Same so

Wait what do you mean where you got your start



i unironically love this song

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You know what would happen to them if I ever see this happening :wink:

I’m not arguing it’s nice/right/good lol

so do i

I can definitely one-up that

Ok so i thought priestess posted this at first because i saw her typing and was like bruh