54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

How, exactly?

i send simon my uh
login shit for a certain site

Is it Minecraft

funnily enough
i once saw a vid with someone playing mc while someone got uh
done in the background


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i have the link

look up gamer moment on urban dictionary

[Gamer Moment]

A phrase used to refer to a [strange] or [shocking] situation in a [humorous]

“I [burned] the hair off my nuts with a match”

“That’s a [gamer moment] right there”

tbf that was basically cod

there were worse things on xbox live than that

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god bless mw2

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rip GitS:SAC-FAO

fuck mystic messenger

xbox live taught me to have thick skin

made high school easier for me at least

Am I the only one here who had a really positive high school experience


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id consider my senior year mostly positive but for like, an absolutely terrible reason

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What is an Xbox
I thought its a console


i mean
my HS career was shit because i was shit