54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Frick you system

I feel fine tho

u won’t in like 14 hours lmao


have you tried sleeping with your phone on the other side of the room

and not looking at it when you wake up at 3 AM

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It was in the kitchen

Then I got water

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wait is not everybody a compulsive night phone-vig


is needing water a common issue you have that interferes with your sleep

Not really :eyes:

I am going to eat cereal

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this wont help you sleep fast :eyes:

No but it’ll be tasty


bro are you me


okay what cereal are we talking

chocolate peanut butter cheerios it makes the milk taste good

i mean thats probably good but ew

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definitely ew

Didn’t know that was a thing and was happier for it

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Why tf did Cheerios decide to become Reese’s Puffs

Because. Don’t question it if you value your life.

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anyways the best cereals are p much

Honey Nut Cheerios
Cinnamon Life
Quaker Brown Sugar Oatmeal Squares
Lucky Charms I guess